Award-winning, with dozens of distinctions internationally, the "guardian angel" of the poor sick children, was honored in 2015 with the international award "Prix Galien" and in 2016, the Greek Red Cross awarded him the highest honorary distinction of the Golden Cross with the Gold laurel wreath.
The President of the Hellenic Red Cross, Dr. Antonios Avgerinos, presents the honorary distinction to Professor Afksendiyos Kalangos.
Professor Mr. Afksendiyos Kalangos awarded with the Humanitarian Award, one of the 8 ARGO 2019 AWARDS conferred to distinguished Greeks Abroad. The award was presented to the Professor by Mrs. Marianna Vardinoyannis, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO.
Professor Mr. Afksendiyos Kalangos awarded for his contribution by the institution Nisides Poiotitas, in the presence of the President of the Republic Mr. Prokopis Pavlopoulos. Year 2019.
2002 Archon "Ostiarios", Order of St Andrea, conferred by the His Holliness, the Patriarch of Constantinople, Chambesy-Geneva, Switzerland.
2005 Officer of Mauritius, conferred by the President of Mauritius, Port Louis, Mauritius
2005 Doctor of Sciences Honoris Causa, conferred by the Chancellor of the University of Mauritius
2005 Doctor Honoris Causa, the University of Thrace, conferred by the Rector of the University, Edirne, Turkey
2007 Commandor of Cedar Order, Lebanon, conferred by the President of Lebanon, Beirut, Lebanon
2010 Commandor of the 1st degree Order of St Sava conferred by His Holiness, the Patriarch of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
2013 Price of UNICEF conferred by the President, Athens, Greece
2014 Price “Giuseppe Sciacca, conferred by Vatican -the Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, Ponctifical University, Rome, Vatican
2014 Price of High Scientific Distinction conferred by the Rector of the University of Bahcesehir, Turkey
2015 Prix Gallien – pro-Bonum Humanum – conferred by the Committee of Gallien Prices and the Health Minister of Greece, Athens, Greece
2015 Commandor of the Order Setjenke, conferred on behalf of the President of Serbia by the Ambassador of Serbia in Bern, Switzerland
2016 Honorary member of The Hellenic Society of Cardiology
2018 Charity Medal from the Church of Moldova, conferred by the Archbishop of Moldova Vladimir
2019 ARGO AWARDS conferred by Mrs Marianna Vardinogiannis
2019 Nisides Poiotitas
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